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Civil Litigation FAQ

Below are some of the questions we are most frequently asked about Civil litigation. Please click on a link to see that question.

How much will litigation cost me?

We normally charge an hourly rate for litigation matters. We charge for the time we spend on your matter which includes drafting letters, attendances, telephone calls and preparation.

The total costs will depend on the nature of your claim. We are happy to discuss the merits of your case in detail and can then provide you with an estimate of costs and a breakdown of our charging structure.

In some instances your insurance may cover your legal expenses. We are happy to look into this for you.

Please contact us today for a consultation. Our expert Solicitors will be able to advise you on the merits of your case.

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What other options are available other than going to court?

Alternate dispute resolution and mediation is a popular way of settling disputes between parties.

Mediation can take place at any stage of the dispute. The advantages of mediation are that the parties can settle the dispute without the need of a lengthy trial which can be uncertain due to the nature of Litigation.

Mediation is also a non binding procedure on both parties. If mediation fails, it is likely that a lot of the issues in dispute may have been narrowed down and therefore will no longer be needed to be tried at court.

Please contact us today for a consultation. Our expert Solicitors will be able to advise you on the merits of your case.

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Can I recover costs of litigation?

If your matter is worth less than £5000.00 (and is dealt with in the Small Claims Court) then neither party is entitled to their legal costs irrespective of whether you have won or lost the case.

If your claim is worth more than £5000.00, the general rule is that the losing side will have to pay your costs. Costs will however be subject to assessment and the winning side is expected to recover 70% of their costs however other factors such as previous hearings and conduct of the parties will be taken into consideration.

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How long will my case take to get to court?

This will depend on the nature, value and complexity of your case .

Please contact us today for a consultation. Our expert Solicitors will be able to advise you on the merits of your case.

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Do all litigation cases go to a final hearing?

In reality a lot of cases today do not get to a final hearing. It is likely that the parties will reach an amicable resolution before going to a final hearing.

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Is it worth suing the other party?

This is a very important factor when deciding whether to contact ussue someone. We can check to see if your opponent has any properties on their name and even carry out a wealth report using an established third party.

Please contact us today for a consultation. Our expert Solicitors will be able to advise you on the merits of your case.

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